Competing magazines

Time Out London Magazine-

Image result for time out magazineImage result for time out magazineDistribution- Sold in Tube stations and can be read online, Tube allows for it to reach their audience of working Londoners. Also available in cafes, cinemas, bars, pubs, shops and hotels. International
Style- white, Black and red, thick fonts. Pop art style. simplistic to stand out. sticks to basic colour scheme. One main image
Genre- Gossip and celebrity magazines.
Content- Has information on celebrity gossip and gigs, but also articles on what to do in the cities, major events and shows and movies. As well as classic click bait like stories such as "save $$$" and how to get a "cool" job.

Q Magazine-

See the source imageDistribution- can be bought at news agencies, supermarket. Have a website, twitter and Instagram to keep people informed and is posted every month, £1 an issue.
Style- Bold red white and black. Simplistic colour scheme, thick fonts. Changing fonts depending on the artist featured. One main image on cover.
Genre- Celebrity and music magazine. Showcases a range of popular artists from many genres.
Content- Lists great songs and albums, interviews artists and has musician gossip stories. Mainly music focused and offers some stories on shows and clubs.

WE LOVE POP Magazine-

Image result for girls pop music magazineDistribution- Can be bought in supermarkets and news agencies. They have a website, twitter, Facebook and SoundCloud.
Style- Changes from hot pink to orange dependant on artist. Very feminine design. Bold black and white fonts. Yellow accents. Uses bubbly fonts and hashtags to appeal to a young teenage audience. Many images on cover. 
Genre- Heavily focused on celebrity drama, gossip and stories. Features only Pop artists, mainly female singers or popular boy bands.
Content- Childish gossip articles such as "I weed on a hamster" and pictures of "cute" boy bands. Often contains pages of fashion to sell clothes to a young audience. Very little focus on the music itself and more the artists personal lives.

Mojo Magazine-

Distribution- Released monthly since 2008 in UK, they also have a website and their magazines can be bought in most supermarkets and news agencies. Offer free CD's with magazines.
Style- Black and white colour scheme. Each issue changes the accent cover based on the artist presented. Large bold text. Normally one main image on the cover. 
Genre- Music magazine focuses on "classic rock" mainly focused on bands and artists as well as the genre of music.
Content- Comes with a free CD. Normally has reviews on new songs, as well as ranked lists and stories from artists. Sometimes having memorials for artists.

NME Magazine

Distribution- Originally had a print magazine, moved to souly virtual copies  last year and now long produce work on their website.
Style- Minimalist, red and white colour scheme often swapping between a thick bold font or the thick outline of the mast head.  Sticks to one type of font, often one main image and little writing.
Genre- Focuses on a range of artists and tells their stories, interviews and up coming tours.
Content- Stories from artists, up coming songs and tours, interviews. 


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