
Showing posts from February, 2019


fonts Font - One particular weight or style of a larger type face Typeface - categories comprised of different fonts, (EG- Serif is a typeface, times new roman is a font part of serif.) Type Faces-  Serif - identifiable by small lines added to letters. Easy to read in print. fonts including Times new Roman, Georgia, and Book Antiqua. Sans Serif - dont have serifs, easy to read on websites. Fonts include, arial, Verdana and helvetica.  Script - mimics human hand writing, including comic sans, Kristen and lucida.  Modern - varies between thin and thick bold lettering, including rockwell, impact and agency. Monospaced - larger spacing between letters resembling and typewriter. includes, courier, consoles and Monaco. Analysing fonts-  Something you'd see on a country music magazines, thick bold lines could relate more to the modern type face, making the font appear more...

Editing Images

Thumbnails and edits. For the two photos I made the foreground a lot darker than the background so that Noya stood out even more in her red coat against the green grass. I made the image cool toned as the main colour in the photo is blue from the sky so I made it more pronounced so the picture was more consistent despite the array of colours. For this one I cropped so it looked like a panoramic shot, which makes the lines of the seats stand out and reach the subjects more clearly. I also made the foreground darker, but more saturated. For this picture I made it high contrast and black and white. The focus is on her legs, but to make her body stand out more, I focused all the colour on to her jacket by isolating it with the magic wand, and then adding a red overlay layer on top. I brightened the photo up and made the blacks and white more prominent against the primarily green background. I then cropped it into a square image to frame the subje...

Magazine pre production mind map


the conventions of magazines.
